Αυξημένη η πιθανότητα νέων τρομοκρατικών χτυπημάτων σε κράτη - μέλη της Ευρώπης που συνεργάζονται με την Αμερική στον πόλεμο κατά του ISIS με δράστες πιθανόν "ξένους τρομοκράτες" υποστηρίζουν ειδικοί αναλυτές.
Ten key judgements of Europol’s Changes in Modus Operandi of IS revisited:
- Further attacks in the EU, both by lone actors and groups, are likely to be attempted. Estimates from some intelligence services indicate several dozen people directed by IS may be currently present in Europe with a capability to commit terrorist attacks.
- In addition to France and Belgium, all other EU Member States that are part of the US-led coalition against IS may be targeted by terrorists led or inspired by IS.
- The most probable scenario is the use of the same modus operandi, including the same types of weapons, used in earlier attacks.
- If IS is defeated or severely weakened in Syria/Iraq by the coalition forces, there may be an increased rate in the return of foreign fighters and their families from the region to the EU or to other conflict areas.
- Counter-terrorism experts expect that IS will start planning and dispatching attacks from Libya.